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Welcome to Reception

New Intake September 2023

New Intake 2023 Letter

How can you help?

Practise the sounds in your child’s A4 phonics sheet.

Practise letter formation using the sheets which are sent home for you to keep.

Ensure your child completes their weekly 'spelling sheets'. 

Help your child with their homework challenge (purple book) – sent home at the end of each half term.  

Listen to your child read their home reading book and comment/sign their reading diary.

Find out information about your child’s topic using the local library or the internet.

Having all they need in school in the morning helps your child to be happy, and happy children make better learners! Please:

1. Check your child’s bag contains their reading diary, reading book, homework book and spellings wallet - please ensure that their bag is either the offcial 'Book Bag' or flat/small enough to fit into their tray.   

2. Ensure money is in an envelope labelled with their name, class, the amount of money and its purpose.

3. Regularly check your child’s bag for letters and return slips promptly.

4. Send your child with a labelled water bottle each day (containing only water) - please ensure they don't leak if you are putting them in their book bag. 

5. Snack - if you would like your child to have school snack please pay £2.50 each Monday or if they prefer their own snack please send this in daily in their book bags. 

6. Return a completed menu sheet every Monday with your child’s name at the top of each day.

Please label all items.

Reception Baseline Assessments - information for parents.

Half Termly Homework Challenges

Each half term your child will recieve a Knowledge Organiser (Curriculum Overview) & a 'Home Learning Challenge' sheet on which to base their homework challenge. This is to be ongoing for the duration of each half term.

For more information, including example and ideas, see the powerpoint and document below.

Curriculum Overview.

British Values - EYFS.


Recommended Reading for Fun.

Online Learning and Communications.


Please see below 'Quick Guide to MS Teams for Parents 2020' guide as to how your children can set up themselves ready to interact with their teacher.

All children with current log-ins will automatically be logged in to their new September 2020 Class when they access the system. 

Please note that children will need to access MS class team pages in the event of a local lockdown or if individually self-isolating. 

Children will also need to log-in to the system. These log-ins consist of a 4 digit number which will form the start of their email address, and a password. PARENTS / CARERS NEED TO ASK YOUR CHILD’S CLASS TEACHER,  FOR THEIR UNIQUE  4-DIGIT LOG-IN CODE AND PASSWORD.

e.g Joe Bloggs is given code: 1234,  therefore email address will be 1234@christchurchprimary.warrington.sch.uk. Every child should add this exact e-mail address to their 4-digit log-in code.

Password:   Blog34

Please note:

Third parties cannot contact your children via MS TEAMS as it is an account password-only system. However, children can send messages to each other. It is your responsibility to supervise your children’s use of MS TEAMS and to remind your children that they must remain respectful of school rules and expected behaviour standards in relation to any such messages. NB: school IT admin have access to all messages. Thank you.

Children should not try to individually video-chat or telephone staff, as for safeguarding reasons staff cannot interact 1:1 with a child in this way - any questions should be posted on the class 'General' chat please. Also, whilst MS TEAMS is a secure site, you should only allow your child to upload pictures of themselves to MS TEAMS if it is relevant to a learning activity or task they have been doing or something of clear and ‘innocent’ interest, they are suitably dressed and you are aware that other children, despite our instructions to the contrary, may have the capacity to copy pictures of your child and use them in other applications.

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