
Name: Peter Bowden
Role: Chair of Governors Foundation Governor

Name: Michael Murray
Role: Vice Chair/Local Authority Governor

Name: Tracy Lynskey
Role: Staff Governor

Name: Cheryl Hoddell
Role: Parent Governor

Name: Andy Perry
Role: Parent Governor

Name: Andrew Pritchard Role:Foundation Governor

Name: Kelly Pendlebury
Role: Parent Governor

Name: Rev Neil Shaw
Role: Foundation Governor

Name: Ian Williams
Role: Head teacher
Contacting the governors
You can contact our governors in the following way;
In writing by sealed envelope to;
Christ Church CE Primary School, Station Road, Padgate, Warrington, WA2 0QJ
The Clerk to Governors, Christ Church CE Primary School, Governor Advisory & Support, Warrington Borough Council, 1 Time Square, Warrington, WA1 2NT
By email to; [email protected]
You can also speak to our parent governors, or any other governor, on the school playground when available.
Parent Governor Election

No Governors have a material interest arising from any connection or relation to school staff.