Useful Support Links
Help for households
31/08/2022 | Information & Childcare Team
In response to the cost of living crisis the Government has launched Help for Households website to draw together support packages that help ease the cost of living impact. There are a variety of schemes available depending on circumstances.
Fuel payments help
More information about fuel poverty and support available to families can be found through the following links.
Ask Ollie
Special educational needs and disability (SEND) |
Children, young people and families |
Tel: 01925 442659
Find information about services for children and young people with Special Educational Needs or Disabillities in and around the Warrington area.
Children's Services Directory
A National Directory outlining activities and support/guidance for families. This has been developed locally to include information on what is happening in wards/by postcode.
Family and Parenting Institute
This is a charity aiming to improve the well-being of children.There are links to a wide range of websites for parents offering advice, child health & well being, childcare, children’s services, diversity, family relationships, family services, fundraising, law & justice system, poverty & social exclusion, schools, work and families
Advice & guidance for parents
Contact a Family Helpline | [email protected] | tel 0808 808 3555
A one-stop shop for parents of disabled children
Lone Parent Support
Offers dedicated help and expert advice to lone parents
Child Law Advice Line | [email protected] | tel 0845 120 2948
Ensures that children, parents, carers and professionals can get accurate information on child law and access the support and services that they are entitled to.
Early Help Assessments
All you need to know about Early Help Assessments.
Please click here for more information
Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust is beginning the roll out of a new secure text messaging service for parents and carers of children and young people aged 0-19 years old, enabling them to get timely and trusted health advice from a health professional (a Health Visitor or School Nurse).
As our lives have changed over the last few months due to coronavirus, it’s more important than ever for young people families to have easy access to support, particularly in the absence of face to face interaction.
The service (which is available in Warrington, Halton and Oldham) does not aim to replace face to face contacts, rather increase choice for service users about how they access advice from a health professional and provides a new line of communication as face to face contact is reduced.
The ChatHealth text number will operate Monday-Friday from 9am until 5pm. Messages will be responded to within 24 hours during this period. Outside these hours, service users will receive a ‘bounce back’ text message indicating that they will receive a response when the line re-opens. Of course, ChatHealth is not an emergency service, and accordingly parents will be instructed to follow usual advice in seeking urgent medical attention.
The text numbers for Warrington are:
11 - 19 Young People's Service – 07507 330101
0 - 5 Parents Service – 07507 327981
5 - 19 Parents Service – 07480 635994
Or visit to start a chat
My Life Warrington
Your one stop shop for local services.
Culture Warrington - What's On
Culture Warrington host an immersive and interactive programme of visual and performing arts as Part of Warrington’s contemporary arts festival.
Jobcentre Plus
Contact your nearest Jobcentre Plus
If you want to contact your nearest office, you can find their details using the local office search.