School Council

School Council Responsibilities

The School Council exists to make sure that all children can share their views and help the teachers to make our school a happy, healthy and safe place in which to learn. It also has responsibility for choosing Charities to support.

School Councillors are elected every year in September and again in January. Their responsibilities are:

  • To listen to the concerns of children in their class and note them down carefully, making sure they understand what the problem or view is.

  • To attend School Council meetings when they are called in the Middle Area, bringing their notes.  To speak at the meeting, explaining the views and opinions of their class.

  • To listen carefully to what the Council decides and report back to their class (your teacher will allow time for this) after the meeting.

  • To be honest, sensible and good listeners.

House Captains run the School Council. Their job is to:

  • Send out reminder notes / indicate on the Council notice board the date of the next meeting,

  • Arrange the Meeting area ready for the meeting,

  • Plan an agenda – the order of the meeting and what will be discussed in addition to Class Councillors’ comments, and give it to all School Councillors at least 3 days before the meeting

  • Appoint a Chair person from amongst themselves who will run the meeting,

  • Run the meeting, keeping order and allowing everybody to speak without interruption , ensuring views are heard ,

  • Appoint a Secretary who will note down what has been discussed and write up the Minutes of the meeting,

  • Read over the notes at the end to make sure everybody agrees that they represent what was discussed,

  • Ensure everybody leaves the Meeting area tidy,

  • Hand a copy of the Minutes to Mrs Haury who will then present it to the next Teachers’ Staff meeting,

  • Feed back to the next Council meeting about the action to be taken (see below)

Mr Williams will:

  • Read the minutes and discuss them with other teachers/ Mr Jones/Mr Perchard/ whoever needs to know…

  • Plan any action necessary and hold a meeting with the House Captains to discuss the action to be taken.


Rules for all Members including all House Captains:

  • Arrive on time for the meeting

  • Speak politely and never shout

  • Raise our hand if we wish to speak (only the Chair of the meeting will be excepted)

  • Take turns to speak and not talk over someone else

  • Respect each other by listening to what they say

  • Not start or continue personal arguments with other members – this is not the place for them.

We agree that we will vote to remove any member who breaks these rules and does not apologise.
That person will leave the meeting.

We agree that the Chair of the meeting leads the discussion and nominates people to speak. ONLY the Chair does this.

We agree that all members of the Council must take responsibility for speaking for their class, not just themselves, and so MUST let their class know what will be discussed BEFORE the meeting.

We agree that all members must read the School Council minutes to their class once they have been received from the School Council Secretary.

What has the School Council done in the past