School Prospectus

Dear Parents

Our prospectus contains information of all kinds about our school. I hope you will find it both interesting and helpful.

We have to provide much of this information by law. However, no written information can ever tell you all you need to know when you are looking for the school to which you really want to send your children. So, if you do not know the school, we shall be delighted if you arrange to come in and meet us and look around. We have a pre-school playgroup / breakfast club, after-school club and a School – staffed Nursery on-site and we can arrange for you to visit them as part of your visit to us, if this would be convenient.

We make every effort to create a friendly, caring Christian atmosphere in which parents feel able to visit and discuss their children and the school at any time. Please do telephone and make arrangements to come and see us. The staff and I will be pleased to meet you to answer any questions you may have and to show you round the school.

Yours sincerely

Ian Williams

Head teacher

School Prospectus

Nursery Prospectus