Upper Key Stage 2 2024 - 2025

Mrs Haury

Mrs Higham

Mrs Johnstone

Mrs Rostron

Mrs Pollard

Our Class Teams.

Class 10 Class 11 Class 12

Teachers - Mrs Haury                       

Teachers - Mrs Yates and Mrs Johnstone

Teachers - Mrs Higham                      

UKS2 Teaching Assistants - Mrs Rostron and Mrs Pollard

Our Upper Key Stage 2 are an extremely hardworking, well-mannered group of children, always striving to be the best they can be.

We hope you enjoy looking through our class page. It will be updated with photographs and news regularly, and you will find all the curriculum information you need on here.

Reminders and Useful Information.

HOMEWORK: Children should read, practise their spelling using the handwriting sheet and learn their tables every night. Handwriting and Tables Sheets should be handed in on a Monday. Maths homework (arithmetic based) will be given out on a Friday and should be handed in on the following week. 

READING AWARDS: Reading awards assemblies are held at the end of each half term. To earn a bronze certificate children need to read a minimum of five times each week. Platinum and diamond awards are awarded to children who go above and beyond and even read in the holidays! Help your classto win the trophy and read lots at home.

PE – PE lessons take place twice a week (see the table below to find out on which days your class has PE). On PE days the children will be expected to come into school wearing their school PE uniform (they can wear navy jogging bottoms over the top of their shorts to keep them warm when outside at break and lunchtimes). The children regularly do the mile on our track around the field.

Class 10 Class 11 Class 12







MUSIC – Years 5 and 6 are currently learning to play the flute. They are making great progress and are sounding wonderful. Their lesson takes place straight after lunch on a Wednesday; therefore your child will need to have their Flutes in school every Wednesday, to allow them to participate fully.

Half-termly Homework Challenges.

Each half term your child will recieve a Knowledge Organiser on which to base their homework challenge. This is to be ongoing for the duration of each half term.

English Speaking Board Y5

We are all  extremely proud of the way our Year 5 children prepared for and performed during their English Speaking Board exams In Summer 2024. The children worked very hard indeed to prepare a presentation about one of their hobbies, they memorised and recited a favourite poem and also read aloud from a much-loved book.  In addition to this, on the day of the exam, the children had to engage in discussions with other children about their presentations. The results this year are fantastic with fourteen children receiving the highest award of Distinction, nineteen children receiving a Merit-Plus and thirteen children receiving a Merit.  All that hard work has definitely paid off and it has been wonderful to see the children’s presentation skills and confidence develop in preparation for this award. This year’s Y5 children will take their examinations in the Summer term 2025.

Reading Plus Online.

Do continue to encourage the use of this at home. It is designed to improve reading fluency and comprehension as well as developing inference skills (which are vital skills for the SATs). Children can access this at home using their own log-in and it will contribute towards a reading award as long as it is signed by an adult in school planners.

Here is a link


Online Learning and Communications.


Please see below 'Quick Guide to MS Teams for Parents' guide as to how your children can set up themselves ready to interact with their teacher.

All children with current log-ins will automatically be logged in to their new September 2024 Class when they access the system. 

Please note that children will need to access MS class team pages in the event of a local lockdown or if individually self-isolating. 

Children will also need to log-in to the system. These log-ins consist of a 4 digit number which will form the start of their email address, and a password. PARENTS / CARERS NEED TO ASK YOUR CHILD’S CLASS TEACHER, FOR THEIR UNIQUE  4-DIGIT LOG-IN CODE AND PASSWORD.

e.g Joe Bloggs is given code: 1234,  therefore email address will be [email protected]. Every child should add this exact e-mail address to their 4-digit log-in code.

Password:   Blog34

Please note:

Third parties cannot contact your children via MS TEAMS as it is an account password-only system. However, children can send messages to each other. It is your responsibility to supervise your children’s use of MS TEAMS and to remind your children that they must remain respectful of school rules and expected behaviour standards in relation to any such messages. NB: school IT admin have access to all messages. Thank you.

Dear children, Parents and Carers: our online safety teaching emphasises that internet use always comes with risks; it is all about what we do when we come across something online that worries or frightens you. Teachers have judged all the links here to lead to safe online learning, but not everything on the platforms (such as youtube) is safe of course. So parents, monitor your child’s online activity and if you are concerned about any content they access, report it via the CEOPS button on the safeguarding page or home page of our website. Children, do the same.

Children should not try to individually video-chat or telephone staff, as for safeguarding reasons staff cannot interact 1:1 with a child in this way - any questions should be posted on the class 'General' chat please. Also, whilst MS TEAMS is a secure site, you should only allow your child to upload pictures of themselves to MS TEAMS if it is relevant to a learning activity or task they have been doing or something of clear and ‘innocent’ interest, they are suitably dressed and you are aware that other children, despite our instructions to the contrary, may have the capacity to copy pictures of your child and use them in other applications.

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