Our Faith
School Motto
‘Together, with God’s love, we can achieve anything’
Luke 1:37: ‘For with God, nothing is impossible’
Our School Vision
‘To be a family where we love one another as Jesus loves us, learning and sharing together, growing in character and giving of our best to achieve greatness – ‘For with God, nothing is impossible’ (Luke1:37). To nurture compassionate, thoughtful and knowledgeable citizens of their community, country and the modern world’.
Our School Mission
As a church school, at the heart of the community, Christ Church CE Primary School is committed to enabling all pupils to know, understand and use their God given gifts and talents within an open, safe and caring Christian environment. We teach children that they are children of God, that God loves them and that every individual is deeply valued and cherished.
Our C.H.R.I.S.T. Values
Compassion – we are kind.
Hope – we dare to dream.
Respect – we are polite and fair to others.
Integrity – we are truthful to ourselves and others.
Service – here, we put each other first.
Thankfulness – we appreciate all we have.