Nursery 2024 - 2025

Mrs Ryan

Mrs Martin

All about our Nursery

We are always busy in Nursery! The children in Nursery learn through cross-curricular themes, interwoven with the Christ Church CE friendly and caring Christian ethos, that are designed to follow the children’s interests and challenge each child to progress onto their next steps.

Good parenting and high quality early learning together provide the foundation children need to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow, therefore forming a strong partnership between home and Nursery is vital. We nurture this partnership by providing many ways for parents/carers to communicate with the Nursery team and share their child's achievements at home/Nursery. 

Play is the cornerstone of our Early Years curriculum. Through supervised play children are encouraged to explore, develop, imagine and investigate their surroundings in order to start to understand the world around them. Practical experiences are incredibly valuable and appropriate at this stage of learning. Play provides important opportunities for learning in many ways; observation, exploration, discovery and communication. These opportunities are developed through both indoor and outdoor activities.

We are passionate about developing the children’s love of books and stories so we do place an emphasis on the children developing a positive relationship with literature. We also ensure that our children enjoy maths using a blend of fun, engaging games and guided activities, providing the children with a firm basis of understanding on which to build their later knowledge.

Teaching in Nursery is an absolute pleasure, laying the building blocks for a smooth transition into Reception and it is a joy to watch our young children develop into happy, confident children who feel set to succeed on their journey through Christ Church CE Primary School.


Please see below 'Quick Guide to MS Teams for Parents' guide as to how your children can set up themselves ready to interact with their teacher.

All children with current log-ins will automatically be logged in to their new September 2024 Class when they access the system. 

Please note that children will need to access MS class team pages in the event of a local lockdown or if individually self-isolating. 

Children will also need to log-in to the system. These log-ins consist of a 4 digit number which will form the start of their email address, and a password. 

e.g Joe Bloggs is given code: 1234,  therefore email address will be [email protected]. Every child should add this exact e-mail address to their 4-digit log-in code.

Password:   Blog34

Please note:

Third parties cannot contact your children via MS TEAMS as it is an account password-only system. However, children can send messages to each other. It is your responsibility to supervise your children’s use of MS TEAMS and to remind your children that they must remain respectful of school rules and expected behaviour standards in relation to any such messages. NB: school IT admin have access to all messages. Thank you.

Children should not try to individually video-chat or telephone staff, as for safeguarding reasons staff cannot interact 1:1 with a child in this way - any questions should be posted on the class 'General' chat please. Also, whilst MS TEAMS is a secure site, you should only allow your child to upload pictures of themselves to MS TEAMS if it is relevant to a learning activity or task they have been doing or something of clear and ‘innocent’ interest, they are suitably dressed and you are aware that other children, despite our instructions to the contrary, may have the capacity to copy pictures of your child and use them in other applications.

Nursery Admissions

WE OFFER THE FULL 30 HOURS NURSERY PROVISION ON-SITE.  We offer 15 hours universal nursery entitlement each week over 5 morning sessions during term time.  We admit children to our nursery class from the term following a child's 3rd birthday subject to availability.  The sessions are from 8.30am to 11.30am.

We can also offer additional 15 hour provision (subject to availability) provided by Wasps Link Club Nurseries who have a setting on our school site.  Wasps Link Club Nursery may also be able to offer places for 2 year olds.  If you wish to arrange a visit to our nursery please contact our school office on 01925 492422 or email us [email protected]

If you wish to discuss availability of places at Wasps Link club please contact the team on 01925 813573 or 07584 513944.

You can view our Nursery Pospectus and the WBC nursery booklet and application form on our School Pospectus page.

Nursery Attendance

Our aim is to create a culture in which good attendance is 'normality' and valued within a nurturing and supportive learning partnership with parents /carers.

At Christ Church CE Primary School we believe good attendance is essential if children are to be settled and take full advantage of the learning and development opportunities available to them.  At a young age continuity and consistency are important contributors to a child's well-being and progress. We believe regular attendance at nursery also sets up good practice for statutory school.  Without good regular attendance, our School will also lose vital funds to finance our great staff: children ratio - which makes such a difference to every child’s learning and development.

Please support us in making sure we get the chance to teach your lovely children every day!

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