Key Information

Early Help Information

See our parent information tab for more useful links and support.

Key Stage Results & Data

This data includes the statutory required historical data from 2019; statutory assessment in 2020 was cancelled and in 2021 - 2022 - 2023 data is given above for your information.

For the Department for Education’s KS2 ‘SATS’ League tables. Please click on the link below:

Search results for Warrington - Find school and college performance data in England - GOV.UK (

Please remember that as each cohort of children vary, one year’s ‘performance’ data and league table can vary greatly from another. Averages over time reveal more about a school than a single year’s outcomes.

Financial Benchmarking Information

Schools are responsible for a significant amount of public expenditure. Every year our financial data are published, and are viewable by schools, and members of the public, on a national website. This can also be used to compare information between schools, locally & nationally. To view our financial information please visit :

DfE Benchmarking 

It is a requirement that schools publish the number of employees on salaries of £100,000 or more – Christ Church CE Primary has 0 number of employees with this criteria.  

Click here to see our Ofsted Reports

Click here to see our School Performance tables

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